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You'll learn about two of the four types of verbs with these sentence diagramming exercises.
Diagram direct objects on the same horizontal line as the subject and the verb.
Separate the verb and the direct object with a vertical line that doesn't go below the horizontal line.
The baby kicked the ball.
Directions: Diagram the following sentences. Use the example diagram above for help.
1. Does your sister like black cats?
2. A boy on your basketball team just dunked the ball.
3. Wow! You will run a marathon on Sunday?
4. My dad videotaped me during the play.
5. The sick English teacher blew her nose.
Indirect objects are diagrammed in kind of a funny way. Before I show you how they are diagrammed, look at this sentence:
The baby kicked the ball to me.
This sentence has transitive active verb (kicked), a direct object (ball), and a prepositional phrase (to me).
The word me is the object of the preposition to.
There is another way we can say that sentence without the word to.
The baby kicked me the ball.
This sentence still has a transitive active verb (kicked) and a direct object (ball), but there is no prepositional phrase.
Now, the word me is an indirect object instead of an object of the preposition!
When you diagram indirect objects, diagram them underneath the verb as if they were objects of the preposition. Put an (x) where the preposition would go.
The baby kicked me the ball.
Directions: Diagram the following sentences. Use the example diagram above for help.
1. Could you bake me a cake?
2. Nate bought his mother flowers.
3. Arrg, the bookstore sent me the wrong book!
4. Caroline and Mike gave Emilie a birthday card.
5. The woman handed Alex a new passport.
Coordinating conjunctions can make direct and indirect objects compound.
Diagramming Compound Direct Objects
The baby kicked the ball and the toy.
Diagramming Compound Indirect Objects
The baby kicked Elmo and me the ball.
Directions: Diagram the following sentences. Use the example diagrams above for help.
1. I smelled the delicious homemade pie and cookies.
2. Yikes! The tornado violently hit the house and threw the trees across the field.
3. The guests gave Mary a book about Germany, and she gave them a photo of her town.
4. I reluctantly gave Edward and Bella the keys to my car.
5. My friend and I walked into the woods and picked Sara flowers.
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- Karen-Kim, Student
This is original content from https://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/types-of-verbs.html
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