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What is a misplaced modifier?

What is a misplaced modifier?

Do you know what a misplaced modifier is? 

What is a misplaced modifier?

Before we delve into this fascinating topic, let's examine regular modifiers. Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that describe (modify) other words or groups of words. 

I love sandy beaches.

only drove to the beach.

Sandy and only are modifiers. Sandy is an adjective modifying the noun beachesOnly is an adverb modifying the verb drove.

I enjoyed the hot dog covered in mustard and relish.

Covered in mustard and relish is a modifier. It is a participial phrase (adjective) modifying the noun hot dog.

Misplaced Modifiers

Modifiers are misplaced if they modify words that they are not intended to modify or if their placement conveys an unintended meaning.

The only difference in the following two sentences is the placement of the modifier only, but these sentences have different meanings. 

1. I drove only to the beach.

2. I only drove to the beach.

Sentence 1 

This sentence is saying that I drove, and the beach was my one destination.

Sentence 2

This sentence is somewhat ambiguous. It could be saying that I drove to the beach, and that's all that I did. I didn't watch television or mow the lawn. It could also be saying that I didn't bike or walk to the beach. I only drove.

Many people would use sentence 2 to convey the idea of sentence 1. But, if you want to eliminate any chance of a misunderstanding, be sensitive about the placement of modifiers like only

That only example might seem kind of finicky, but there are plenty more blatant examples of misplaced modifiers, and we'll look at two of them now!

Two More Examples & How to Fix Them

The bad news is that misplaced modifiers can confuse your reader. The good news is that they can be very amusing.

Let's look at two funny examples. We'll also be fixing them by rewording the sentence or moving the modifier so that it is close to the word that it is supposed to modify. 

Example 1

Covered in mustard and relish, I enjoyed the hot dog. --> NO

Do you see how covered in mustard and relish is closest to I? (This sounds like some kind of avant-garde spa treatment!) This sentence is saying that I am covered in mustard and relish.

Sometimes, diagramming misplaced modifiers can show us the different meanings that the sentence has. The sentence diagram below shows us that covered in mustard and relish is modifying the pronoun I.

Sentence diagramming and a misplaced modifier

Covered in mustard and relish, I enjoyed the hot dog.

We need to change this sentence so that the modifier is closest to the word that we want it to modify: hot dog.

I enjoyed the hot dog covered in mustard and relish. --> YES

Now covered in mustard and relish is closest to the noun hot dog. This is where it's supposed to be! This sentence is saying that the hot dog was covered in mustard and relish.

This sentence diagram shows us that covered in mustard and relish is modifying the noun hot dog.

Sentence Diagramming modifier

 I enjoyed the hot dog covered in mustard and relish.

Example 2

Spitting out hot lava, my friend took photos as the volcano erupted. --> NO

Do you see how spitting out hot lava comes right before friend? (Yikes, her mouth must hurt!) This sentence is saying the my friend was spitting out hot lava. We need to change that.

One way to fix this sentence is by moving volcano, the noun that this modifier is supposed to modify, so that it's right next to this modifier. 

Spitting out hot lava, the volcano erupted as my friend took photos of it. --> YES

You can also fix the sentence by rewording it. Here are two possibilities.

The volcano began spitting out hot lava, and my friend took photos of it. --> YES

 As the volcano began spitting out hot lava, my friend took photos of it. --> YES

Tiny Quiz

Can you fix the following misplaced modifiers? You'll find the answers just below this section. (Keep in mind that there are multiple ways to fix these sentences.)

1. Illuminated by candlelight, my mom admired the restaurant's decor. 

2. Once used in every classroom, teachers are beginning to abandon blackboards.

3. They said it will rain on the television.

Possible Answers

Here are some possible answers. :)

1. My mom admired the restaurant's decor, which was illuminated by candlelight.

   Illuminated by candlelight, the restaurant's decor impressed my mom. 

2. Teachers are beginning to abandon blackboards, which were once used in every classroom.
   Once used in every classroom, blackboards are now being abandoned by teachers. 

3. On the television, they said it will rain.

   They said on the television that it will rain. 

If you'd like to teach or learn grammar the easy way—with sentence diagrams—check out our Get Smart Grammar Program.

It starts from the very beginning and teaches you grammar and sentence diagramming in easy, bite-size lessons. 

The Get Smart Grammar Program
Elizabeth O'Brien

Hello! I'm Elizabeth O'Brien, and my goal is to get you jazzed about grammar. 

Thank you for the wonderful way in which you teach this material. Everyone is enjoying it, having fun, and learning at the same time. Yeah!

- Maria, Mom

This is original content from https://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/misplaced-modifier.html

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Elizabeth O'Brien is the creator of Grammar Revolution.

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