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Grammar Quiz: Fragments & Run-on Sentences

Grammar Quiz: Fragments &
Run-on Sentences

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Do you know what makes a complete sentence? Can you identify a sentence fragment? How about a run-on?  (Can you find the fragment in this paragraph?) Answers are at the bottom of the page.

What does this grammar quiz cover? 

This quiz covers three related topics: sentence construction, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences. If you need a refresher on any of those topics, just click the links and read the lessons. You can come back here to take the quiz whenever you're ready!

1. Identifying Sentence Fragments

Directions: If a group of words is a sentence, write sentence. If it is a fragment, write fragment. Remember that sentences express a complete thought. If a group of words is missing a subject, predicate, or both, it is a sentence fragment.

Example: My sister's cat.
Answer: fragment

1. The cow in the field.

2. The sweet little bird in the tree.

3. This food tastes delicious.

4. Everyday after school.

5. People talked.
6. This is a wonderful movie.

7. The character with the blonde hair.

8. My very energetic mother.

9. I asked my mother to bake chocolate chip cookies.

10. Whenever my sister sings.

2. Fixing Fragments

Directions: Correct these sentence fragments by adding the missing parts. Answers will vary. Use your creativity to make fun sentences!

Example: my sister's cat
Possible Answer: My sister's cat is adorable.

1. ran all over town

2. the red and blue chair

3. the famous chef from your favorite television show

4. the rain

5. swam two miles
6. that little boy

7. read twenty books this summer

8. calculator

9. May I use

10. My math teacher

3. Identifying & Fixing Run-on Sentences

Directions: If a group of words is a sentence, write sentence. If it is a run-on sentence, write run-on, and correct the sentence so that it is no longer a run-on. Remember that a run-on sentence is two or more sentences written incorrectly as one. For more information on fixing run-on sentences, see this page.

Example: My dog is cute, his name is George.

Answer: Run-on. Correction: My dog is cute. His name is George.

1. My grammar teacher is incredibly nice she works hard to teach me.

2. I'm so glad that I am learning proper grammar!

3. Do you like football my dad loves it.

4. I always watch my sister's soccer games.

5. It's really hot today, we're going to the ocean.
6. Lea, Natalie, and April walked around town and ate ice cream.

7. We're eating pizza for dinner tonight.

8. I saw a deer in the woods it had a white tail.

9. The gardener trims the plants on Tuesdays he does a great job.

10. I love that blue dress, the color looks great on you.


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  • 6 Quizzes (2 Beginner, 2 Intermediate, 2 Advanced)
  • 46 Pages
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  • Quizzes Cover Fragments, Run-on Sentences, Types of Sentences, Parts of Speech, Parts of a Sentence, & More
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1. Identifying Sentence Fragments Answers

1. Fragment

2. Fragment

3. Sentence

4. Fragment

5. Sentence
6. Sentence

7. Fragment

8. Fragment

9. Sentence

10. Fragment

2. Fixing Fragments Answers

Answers will vary for this grammar quiz. Here are some possible answers.

1. Bob and Bill ran all over town.

2. The red and blue chair looks gorgeous in your living room!

3. The famous chef from your favorite television show just baked an apple pie.

4. The rain made everything beautiful.

5. My crazy dog just swam two miles!
6. I can't believe that little boy plays the violin!

7. I read twenty books this summer.

8. May I use a calculator on this quiz?

9. Why? This is a grammar quiz!

10. My math teacher always lets us use a calculator.

3. Identifying & Fixing Run-on Sentences Answers

The answers for the run-on sentence corrections will vary since there are a few different ways that you can fix run-on sentences.

1. Run-on Correction: My grammar teacher is incredibly nice. She works hard to teach me.

2. Sentence

3. Run-on Correction: Do you like football? My dad loves it.

4. Sentence

5. Run-on Correction: It's really hot today; we're going to the ocean.
6. Sentence

7. Sentence

8. Run-on Correction: I saw a deer in the woods. It had a white tail.

9. Run-on Correction: The gardener trims the plants on Tuesdays. He does a great job.

10. Run-on Correction: I love that blue dress; the color looks great on you.

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Grammar Quizzes
  • 6 Quizzes (2 Beginner, 2 Intermediate, 2 Advanced)
  • 46 Pages
  • Blank Quizzes & Answer Keys
  • Printable
  • Quizzes Cover Fragments, Run-on Sentences, Types of Sentences, Parts of Speech, Parts of a Sentence, & More
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • Only $3.99
Elizabeth O'Brien

Hello! I'm Elizabeth O'Brien, and my goal is to get you jazzed about grammar. 

Thank you for the work that you do. Listening to how you explain things makes a lot of sense to me. I can really comprehend it.

- Harriett

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  • 6 Quizzes (2 Beginner, 2 Intermediate, 2 Advanced)
  • 46 Pages
  • Blank Quizzes & Answer Keys
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  • Quizzes Cover Fragments, Run-on Sentences, Types of Sentences, Parts of Speech, Parts of a Sentence, & More
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

This is original content from https://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/grammar-quiz.html

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