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Diagramming Clauses

Diagramming Clauses

Here is everything you need to know about diagramming clauses! (Be sure to check out the Sentence Diagramming Reference Manual, which includes even more awesome information than you'll find on this page.)

Sentence Diagram

This page doesn't include much instruction about each of these sentence diagrams, but you can click on any of the links to read a thorough lesson on each of these topics. Have fun! :)

Adjective Clauses

Adjective clauses are a type of dependent clause which act as adjectives. They can modify any noun or pronoun in a sentence. You might know them as relative clauses.

Adjective clauses are often introduced by relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, that, which).

In this diagram, the adjective clause is modifying the subject of the independent clause and the relative pronoun is acting as the subject of the adjective clause!

Relative pronoun sentence diagram

Here's an example sentence of an adjective clause modifying the subject of the independent clause.

The woman who looked happy danced.

adjective clause sentence diagram
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Noun Clauses

Noun clauses are a type of dependent clause acting as nouns. That means that they can do any of the noun jobs (subject, direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, object of the preposition). 

This diagram shows a noun clause acting as the subject of the independent clause.

noun clause sentence diagram

This diagram shows a noun clause acting as the direct object of the verb knows.

My mother knows I love the library.

Noun Clause sentence diagram
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Adverb Clauses

Adverb clauses are dependent clauses which act as adverbs. That means that they can modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

adverb clause sentence diagram
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Elliptical Clauses

Elliptical clauses are a type of adverb clause where the subject, verb, or both are left out. Diagram the implied words in parentheses.

adverb clause sentence diagram

David is faster than his brother.

It's as if that sentence says...

David is faster than his brother (is fast).

adverb clause sentence diagram
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Subordinate Clauses

All of the above clauses (adjective, noun, adverb, elliptical) are types of subordinate clauses. You can learn more about diagramming clauses here.

Independent Clauses/Main Clauses

These clauses can stand alone without any help. This example shows a very basic independent clause, but they can be much more complicated.

Sentence diagram clauses
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This is original content from https://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/diagramming-clauses.html

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Elizabeth O'Brien

Elizabeth O'Brien is the creator of Grammar Revolution.

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