I'll help you teach or learn grammar the easy way.

Our free guide gives you a fun way to teach and learn the basics.

Elizabeth O'Brien

I'll help you teach or learn
 the easy way.

Get started with our free guide. It gives you a fun way to teach and learn the basics.

Elizabeth O'Brien

I'm 68 years old, and your courses changed my life. I can live with myself now.

- A. P., Adult Learner

My student can finally see concretely what all these teachers have been trying to tell her.

- Debbie, Tutor

I never knew I could enjoy teaching this so much!

- Ann, Classroom Teacher

I am having so much fun doing the exercises with my son.

- Sarah, Homeschooler

Teaching and learning grammar
don't have to be painful.

Welcome! I'm Elizabeth O'Brien, and I'm here to help you actually learn grammar (not just a bunch of random rules that you'll forget in a week). We'll use sentence diagrams to make it easy and fun. 

Sentence diagramming is an effective way to learn grammar, and it's like a word game. Diagrams will help you see how words are related.

Sentence diagramSentence diagrams are wonderful!

If you're a teacher, you're probably looking for ways to make teaching grammar easy and fun. I've taught sentence diagramming to many students, and they honestly enjoyed themselves and learned grammar at the same time.

You probably don't know how to diagram sentences right now, and that's okay. You don't need to know any grammar or diagramming to get started.

You can teach yourself or your students with the help of our many free online lessons, or you can use our video grammar program. It gives you a step-by-step road map and holds your hand throughout the whole process. The best part is that you'll gain confidence as you yourself learn more about language. 

"The study of grammar aims to enrich life [and] increase the joy of existence by opening the eyes to a host of interesting things."

—House & Harman, Descriptive English Grammar

In the many pages of this website, you'll find exercises, lessons, and oodles of sentence diagrams, which, combined with that powerful brain of yours, will turn you into a grammar pro. 

Our goals here are to have fun and learn grammar. So, set aside your frustration, pick up your pencil, and join the English Grammar Revolution! You can get started here with our free grammar guide.

What would you like to do?

Teach Grammar

You're probably looking for ways to make grammar instruction as painless as possible—for you and your students! Start with these tips.

Learn Grammar 

You need a systematic approach to learning grammar, otherwise all of those hours spent studying are a waste of time. Start with these steps

Search For Answers

Browse our free online lessons for quick, fun, and interesting answers to all of your burning grammar questions. 

I learned more from your lessons than I learned in college.

- Josefina, Adult Learner

I never knew I could enjoy teaching this so much!

- Ann, Classroom Teacher

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Elizabeth OBrien and Children

When I'm not working on Grammar Revolution,
I'm usually playing outside with my family. 

Let's Stay In Touch

I'll meet you in your inbox every other Thursday with a grammar lesson and a little life update. :)

    This is original content from https://www.english-grammar-revolution.com